Wednesday, March 25, 2009

mormon town roughneck

Something about being a Provo troublemaker really entices me.
There's not too much I can really do, although I do aspire to be in the Police Beat.
For example, A man drinking rum in the Harrison Fine Arts Center was not found by the police on Tuesday.
A recent favorite of mine.
They didn't find a man drinking rum.
Too bad.
It would have made for a great story if such a man could be found.

I've taken to doing little things, all I can do. Like stealing posters from around town.
Posters for things like The Festival of Colors.
or for the Elizabethan Report.

I always try to J-walk.
What up, police?
Try and stop me.

I also do things that are not prohibited or bad, but frowned upon.
Apparently. Like this. or this.
And a few minutes ago, I came home and said "I want to be wearing less pants."
Megan turned around with a laugh. "Less pants? Ha... oh. I'm so SO sorry, I didn't mean to see you changing."
If by changing, dear girl, you mean taking off my pants in the middle of the kitchen, then it's okay. I don't mind if you see.
I am in the kitchen.

Today when Sophie came home from school, Lauren was sitting on their couch. Sophie dropped off her stuff, and went back outside to get the mail.
I was in Lauren's bed, reading the Tempest... kind of (see the post below). I bellowed something to her. She bellowed something back, and Sophie came back in while she was hollering.
"Are you talking to someone?" she asked.
"Becky," said Lauren.
"Is Becky even here?"
Lauren points, and Sophie tromps towards the back of the apartment (this is not my apartment, by the way. I only pretend to live there.)
I am sitting in Lauren's bed in just my underwear and bra, playing on my computer and chewing ice.
Sophie looks at me.
She waves a little.
She starts to giggle, and goes into her own room.

I think it's all starting to freak out the actual roommate of Lauren and Sophie.
Poor little Jenny.
She should just let me live there.
Speaking of...

WE GOT THE HOUSE. The house. I don't think I told you about the house, but we got it. I am officially a home renter. Of sorts. I mean... my grandparents are still the only reason I can afford to live in the first place, and I think they'll still be helping with housing...
But my name is signed on the dotted line, and we have our rooms decided on.

Paige and Lana (LANA IS BACK IN THE USA!)
Becky and Sophie
Lauren and Nicole.

We got a house.
It's the best thing ever.

Oh, and we'll probably have a fish, and unauthorized visitors.
Both are forbidden.
If Eli was here he'd probably yell hooligan at me.
But only if he was in a car, and I was a lowly pedestrian.


Lana said...

By the way, I'm getting a bunny or a chicken. Not to eat, as a pet. Try to stop me!

Polly said...

I just wish you wouldn't advertise your bad behavior to the world. It hurts me, some day when your a mom you'll understand. J walking, honestly who's kid are you?

MARCIE said...

Becky, all this near naked modeling is going to your head. Perhaps you are becoming a little too comfortable in your birthday suit. God did create fig leaves, after all. He probably couldn't handle seeing people nude. Your affinity for less pants is also afflicting Kathryn. Is BYU bringing out the rebel in you? I am sure that is not their intent. Maybe we should send you to St. Cloud State where you will have to stand for something again!
Love, Grama

travis pitcher said...

agreed with the above statements (minus lana's).
behave yourself and be civilized.
be polite and consider how others feel too.
con carnio