Monday, February 23, 2009

Headlines of Tomorrow: an immodestly dressed English major attacks some douchey boy by the JSB

Today I wore a lovely skirt that I bought at the coal umbrella, and my lovely purple/brown boots. My skirt fell just at the top of my knees. I was walking to class, holding my umbrella (which, yes, is also adorable) and feeling really good about life.
It was raining.
I had exercised the night before.
I had read my scriptures, done my homework.
Gotten up on time, and showered even.
I saw Chris and Claire, and then had a good first class.

As I walked, happily humming to the Fionn Regan playing on my iPod, a boy that I did not know, walked by me. He shoved me. Yes, SHOVED me, and yelled, "Your skirt's too short!"


I called to tell my mother, and the first thing she asked was, "You didn't yell 'F YOU!' Did you?"
No, don't worry, I was caught too off-guard to think of any obscenities.
These are things I thought of soon after, but had lost my chance to yell:
screw you
up yours
you're a freaking douche, bastard.

I'm sorry this post is full of anger. I honestly cannot handle the BYU belief that if you see someone doing something that you do not approve of, then it is your duty to fix the problem.
Thank you, Honor Code police, but I'm not even breaking any of your mental, utilitarian, obsessive, nit-picky rules.


kaylie jean. said...



kendra and jeffrey said...

Crazy! He is a loser.

Also, Claire said you looked really cute today and I believe her! ;)

Claire said...

I definitely noticed your skirt only because it was so cute! You looked adorable today.

How lame. Geez.

MARCIE said...

You should have just winked at him Becky.

travis pitcher said...

Number 1: Your skirt was to the top of your knees and was darling.
Number 2: You shouldn't be so angry. It is not nice and unattractive.
Number 3: Those nit-picky rules are something that we all agreed to and that we follow and we should just ignore people who don't know how to be kind and civil.
Number 4: I like you.

Polly said...

Number 5: Thanks for making your mom sound like a bad person. Lets clarify that the F stands for "fruitcake"
Number 6: Don't say or write douche or bastard that is nasty and very unlady like.
Number 7: What ever the store the Coal Umbrella is stay away from it you have no money!!
Number 8: I like you too!

Unknown said...

I must admit that your brutal (emphasis on the brutal) honesty is quite refreshing. Like a crisp early morning elbow to the face.

Mary said...

I had something really clever to say but then after reading everyone else's comments I now can't remember so you need to just pretend on this one till i remember.