Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No fear, Shakespeare

I was against Sparknotes for many a year.
Hard to believe, isn't it?

I freaking LOVE Sparknotes.
Is that bad for an English Major?

Maybe that's not so bad as the fact that I despise Shakespeare.
Sparknotes has this beautiful thing called "No Fear, Shakespeare."
It is the best thing ever invented.
It's probably how I'm passing my Shakespeare class.
This is how it works.
Click on it, because it's super funny.

This is the tempest.

They have almost all of the plays on here.
Except the one I need.

Come on, Love's Labour's Lost!
Anyone know where I can get a modern English translation? I'm in no mood to trudge through that play right now.


kaylie jean. said...

Becoming an English major FORCED me to love sparknotes.

I think it comes with the territory. I mean, when you have a thousand pages of byron to read, another thousand of milton, and james joyce is breathing down your back to finish the many pages of his you've started-- you really have no choice BUT to resort to lovely inventions such as spark notes. Basically, what I'm trying to say, is that you're not alone. :)

Mary said...

Wow that is wonderful