A picture for every day?
And maybe a story for each one.
Oh, blast. You know I've just realized that I have at least one CF Card at home with morepictures on it. Things like giant anthills, and Freddy the Boda-Boda driver, our cook Edith, and pregnant Aberforth, and Travis trying to eat sugar cane and feed Nutella to the goats (which they didn't like at all.)
So here are 25 pictures for now, and nope, they are no longer in order:
aaaand, I still can't crop. So if they look like they ought to be horizontal then click for the full picture.

So Osito was one of our drivers. He told us he was 26, but he also said he thought he was born in 1987. So we don't know how old he is.
Osito has, as he mournfully told me the first time we met, "never even touched an aeroplane," yet his greatest ambition is to be a famous singer in America. If he becomes a famous singer in America then he will send his giant fortune to a Kilifi orphanage.
This is a picture he asked me to take to go on the cover of his Demo Cd.
If you are wondering, Osito's "band" is really a small gospel choir.
He is not the main singer, but intends to be the only one photographed for their cover.
Oh Osito, I love you. But you also drove me nearly crazy.
This is Squeegee, our favorite wiggly skinny little puppy. He did have fleas, but we still let him in our room and I carried him around quite a bit.

I couldn't help it. Have you ever seen such a cute little guy? He is also the puppy that I mentioned being harassed by monkeys in Kilifi. I'm glad to say that he is still alive and well.
This is my cute husband filming a burning pile of trash.

First, imagine the worst smell you have ever smelled.
Now set it on fire.
There isn't a garbage system in Kenya (or most of Africa, I think.) So people throw their garbage in the woods, or if that's too big of a pain, they burn it.
This is Kilifi! Doesn't it look just perfect?

Yes, the picture below is also Kilifi, combine them into a rural and gorgeous town and you got Kilifi.

Can we talk about ideal? This was our special treat for our last day in Kenya.
We went with our friends Leah and Rajiv, our personal Kenyan tour guides, they introduced us to our favorite parts of Kilifi, like the people, and the alleyway market, and --of course-- crab samosas.
This is Osito again, in front of his Tuk Tuk. It's basically a motorized rig-shaw. He would drive us around town in it for super cheap.

I said to him, "Osito, can I take your picture in the Tuk Tuk so my family can see what it looks like?"
"Of course, of course!" he said
So I took a picture of him sitting in the Tuk Tuk seat.
"One more," he said, and he got out and crouched down next to the front.
"Another?" he asked, posing in the above position.
"Would it trouble you to take just one more?" he asked.
A dozen photos later and I am confident that I have pictures of both Osito and the Tuk Tuk from nearly every angle.

We had a bonfire on the beach one night and it was a blast. Luckily Rajiv and Travis were both boy scouts or we never would have gotten the fire started it was so windy! We ended up all crouched and huddled around it, holding a blanket over our heads to block the wind. When the papers and sticks finally caught fire my eyebrows (and everyone else's) were nearly burned off.
Lots of teeny tiny crabs (think nickel-sized) would venture near to see the fire, but become frightened and try to scurry away.
But the boys kept herding the scuttling little guys into the fire where they would scream, start to bubble, and then die.
Then the boys would pull the crab out and eat it! they said it was pretty good, but I was too squeamish to have a bite.
The guards in the airport absolutely hated them, but they kept sneaking in somehow.
We have his cd if you would like a copy, and if you are feeling generous I think Osito would love to get a few US dollars in the mail.
He might even donate it to a near-by orphanage.

Travis made good friends with the man above and followed him through the whole procedure.
He spoke very good English for living somewhere so rural.
I have never been anywhere that is mentioned in the Bible, and I know it was silly, and we were very far from Egypt, but it was a very neat experience to see the Nile.
I just kept thinking about Moses, and after I thought of that (of course) I felt the need to take off my shoes.
And then I finally understood (I think) how sweet it was for Christ to wash the apostles feet. Since every day we came home and our feet were dirty and sweaty and aching, but mostly dirty, and I would have to sit down in our disgusting cold shower and try to rub my feet semi-clean.
And sitting there at the Nile with water washing over my feet just felt so heavenly.
This man is at another Eye Camp.

Travis took this picture.
Isn't it gorgeous?

When we were in Uganda he actually called us and once I was on the phone said "Becky, please. I miss you so much. Please, please return to Kenya."
"I would like to," I said.
"Then please come back. Come back now if you can."
It's nice to have friends who want you to visit.
Remember when we broke down in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere in the middle of Kenya.

We took some pretty long-exposure shots.
You seriously wouldn't believe the stars you can see in Africa.
Remember when the Kenyan women couldn't stop laughing at me? They helped me tie my skirt and then babbled on in Swahili and then laughed until they cried?

These are a few from the group. The girl in the black and green is the one who finally helped me.
This is a photo from when Rajiv and Leah and Travis and I had dinner with Kadzo and Bahati and they gave me my Kenyan name and then showed us their farm --which we would have destroyed if they let us keep working on it.

These are the mud huts they live in and you can see their make-shift tables and communal plates.
It was perfect. I want to do it again.
This is Elvis, Bahati's baby. All of the babies (and I even saw children who were at least three r four) are carried around like this. The fabric used is the same fabric they use as skirts (Kangas) and often the woman will wear a skirt that matches her baby-carrier.

Don't be fooled though, they laughed much harder when I tried to hoe.
Repeatedly they took the hoe away from me and tried to reshow me how it's done.
And repeatedly I failed.
And little baby me.
OHHH I love these pictures!
And you know i'm dying for that cd.
I love this. I think you would have enjoyed the class I took about Africa. They taught us how to tie a Kanga. They did not teach us how to hoe though...
WOW!! I love the picture of the women laughing. good job becky its nice to have you home :)
you are too cool.
i love the picture of you with your backpack.
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