Sunday, March 7, 2010

Six impossible things before breakfast:

Yesterday was a big day. Travis worked ALL day from 7:30am to 6:30pm while I cleaned the house from top to bottom and then babysat for some friends. At 7:00 we went to the hunger banquet and at 9:00 we went to see Alice in Wonderland. (After such a big day, I came home from church today and then fell asleep for FOUR hours! Thanks for letting me sleep, Travis!)

On the way home from Alice yesterday I was struck with a (hopefully) impossible thought: What if my children do not like to read?
I hope that cannot be. But I was so terrified by the idea that I cried the whole way home.
Then Travis and I snuggled up in bed and I read The Heart is a Lonely Hunter while he read A River Runs Through It. And I thought, of course my children will love to read, and if not, then me reading aloud to them for three hours a day until they leave for college will just have to do.
But back to Alice.

I really liked the Tim Burton version. I was worried that he would be remaking the Disney version, since Disney funded it, but with a few twists from Through the looking-glass, but Burton had created an entirely new plot, that (at this moment Travis is biting my arm) I found to be entertaining and not at all compromising to the books.
(Concerning his biting me, Travis says "False. Take that off. I know your password, I'll just go on and edit it if you don't.")

Anyway, I would recommend going to see the film, I thought it was well-made and the actors were great and the story line was compelling, and you all know how much I hate EVERY other Alice film ever made. I especially liked the use of poems and quotes by Lewis Carroll that were not strictly from the Alice books. It was all just a jumble of impossible things by a lovely writer.

Speaking of Alice, check out this Wonderland-themed underwater photoshoot by Elana Kalis.
I am crazy over the ones of Alice going through the looking glass: Alice in Waterland.
There are dozens more! Admire them!

***Edit: I'm adding more to this post because I keep thinking of Alice-y things I want to share and figure I'll just throw them all into one long post:

This is old, but I have been listening to it a lot this morning. Its very catchy.

And I found these pretty pictures on the blog See Hear Say, by Su Blackwell.

(So maybe this one is Peter Pan, but its pretty too)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Impressive pictures...that child is very good underwater I don't think that I could so that, I would die because I can not hold my breath.