Thursday, March 11, 2010

Photographer Becky

I am taking someones engagement pictures this afternoon (in like a half-hour, actually) and I feel neeeeervous.

I am still doing pretty much everything for free.

Sadly, I probably will for like another year.
When we went to Barnes and Noble on Monday I gathered a modest pile of books to carry around with me and pretend I could afford to buy. (Out Stealing Horses, anyone? I heard it was great. I want to reeeead it.)

After we left (sadly, with only one book --and not for me, even!) Travis said, "Just think, if someone paid you a hundred dollars, just a hundred dollars, to take their engagement pictures you could buy like 7 books!"

Woe is me. Who will pay me to take their picture?

Speaking, as I often do, of books: the only thing I love more than books are things that LOOK like books. Check out this awesome laptop case:

See more here and if you're wondering what to get me for my upcoming Birthday... I have a thirteen inch macbook and it totally needs a case.

Also check out this very awesome WALLPAPER. Whhat?! I had to use caps-lock because I keep NOT believing that it's papering. I saw a picture of it in someone's kitchen and thought it was books. For realz.

Of course, it had to be from Anthropologie. I just loooove me some Anthrolopologie Home Decor.

1 comment:

Nana B said...

Ever hear of the library? They let you read books for free!!!!!!!!!