This evening, he apparently decided that years was too long.
He called me into the bathroom to find a comb for him.
He's actually still in there, parting his hair in the middle to look like he was on Dawson's Creek.
And now he's curling it slowly into wet curls over his forehead. And now he's the Fonz.
Sadly, you don't get to see those pictures.
But here are a few goofy pictures I stole before my camera died.
Yes, his goal for the evening was to look creepy.
I know what you're thinking and no. He's not single.
He's very taken.
I was thinking Travis has super nice straight teeth, and he looks like he needs a haircut when he uses a comb.
Also comb is a weird word.
I like Travis. I think he is handsome in these pictures, and just want you to know I love you.
Love Kathryn
thanks kathryn! that is so nice. we should have got pictures of the "fonz" and the "edward cullen". gold. pure gold.
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