Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mary and Jack

Last night while reading On the Shores of Silver Lake (a Little House book) I had to stop, set down the book, and go get some tissues. I sobbed on uncontrollably for a good ten minutes.
I kept gasping and asking myself (aloud, too!) "what is wrong with me?" But I couldn't stop.
Every time I tried to pick up my book and keep reading I would begin to again cry like crazy.

This is why: In just one chapter Jack, Laura's sweet old dog turns on his bed, goes to sleep, and never wakes up again. Then aunt Docia comes and takes Pa out west, leaving three girls and a baby alone. AND THEN Mary goes blind from Scarlet Fever.

I actually texted Travis "Jack died and Mary's gone blind from Scarelt Fever and I can't stop crying" before I remembered that I have siblings named Jack and Mary.

And maybe that's confusing.

Really I was so broken-hearted that I wonder if I would cry as much if my actual dog died and my sister went blind.
I guess I probably would.


The Stanley's said...

Dear Becky, my fellow Little House appreciator,
I have cried every time I've read of Jack's passing. I remember when he followed faithfully under the wagon across the prairie grass, and when he was lost in the river, and later found all mud covered and tail wagging. Eric and I are currently reading "On the Shores of Silver Lake". He too shed a tear.

Mary said...

I hope you would cry harder if I went blind since I am not a fictional character.

Becky Pitcher said...

Heresy! Mary Ingalls was not fictional.
She was real! Real I tell you!

MARCIE said...

Mary Ingalls was real, but not your sister! However, I think you have hit upon the reason these books have been held dear by generations of readers. Plus, wait until you start watching the old TV series! Keep your crying towel handy!