One thing that Travis and I did on our honeymoon is go on a hike to Stewart Falls (Travis tricked me into going by saying it was a walk. After I realized it wasn't a walk he corrected himself by saying "Well, it's a very aggressive walk")
To pacify me, he let me be in charge of the camera. I know pictures of tree and overlooking mountain shots get boring, but I got into collage mode last night and now you have to look at all my pretty pictures.
Which is your favorite? (*hint: click on them for bigger, thus prettier pictures*)
This collage is called "Fall Colors" (I was very creative with my names)

This one is "Grey Things"

This collection of pictures is "Pretty Things"

"Travis and Becky" This one is especially for mom-type figures who only ever want to see pictures with faces.

and of course "Stewart Falls"

October is a lovely month.
I like the tree pictures where trees are the purple color. Its just marvelous.
they are lovely pictures, becky!! the long (agreesive) walk/hike seemed fun :)
love your collages!
I took this (aggressive) walk over the summer and it was NOT this breathtaking...breathtaking as in incredibly beautiful.
I love your collages. I want to try that some time.
Love you. Can we visit soon?
I REALLY liked the artistic view you have in your collages. (the trees with purple! nice!!!) Very nice but I have to admit I really like the faces because they are of people we love. Nice job. You not only can cook the next Sunday dinner but now you are the family photographer. :)
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