Thursday, October 22, 2009


Dad says, if you hate going to school, you’re taking the wrong classes.
He said drop French and take a class where you take pictures of food.
But I have to take four more semesters of French to graduate,
even though it’s not my major or my minor.
I have to take five more semesters of religion, and one of physical science, and geography, even though I already passed Chemistry, and all I want to study is writing.
I want to minor in film, without adding another year of school.
Because every class I take, except maybe one a semester, even within my major, is pure torture.
Now that I’m married I understand those women who drop out of college after they get hitched.
I want to be among those women, even though I know a degree is important.
Even though I want to do something with my life and have more than just a high school diploma.
But they won’t let me take cooking or photography unless I change my major,
and I have yet to hear of a class where I just take pictures of food.


Polly said...

Please stop saying "I want to drop out of school."

Jessica D. said...

I totally understand. I'm not even married and I want to drop out of school. I think it's more a motivational thing. I always tell myself that if I drop out of school I'll have to live in a box. (Probably not but it makes school more appealing). Also, I want to take lots of classes that I can't because then I won't graduate on time but instead have to take stupid classes to fill gen ed requirements.

The Stanley's said...

I did drop out of school. Case closed. You are staying in school because you want to be better than I am. I wish I could travel back in time and kick my butt.

Lauren said...

Little Miss Becktron/Mrs. Becky Pitcher,
You can do this. It won't necessarily be fun all the time. But you are capable of getting through it. Your husband, your family, and all your friends are here for you. Keep your chin up, friend.


Chris said...

I would invite any interested parties to look at my comments. I didn't say to quit French. (Although I think I probably said "don't take French, you'll regret it" when it was brought up a while ago). I think what I meant, or what I should have meant, is that you will get out of class what you put in. It is like that song, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with." Normally I don't go in for that Bohemian life view, but this is one area I think it can work.