Friday, March 6, 2009

hot pot

Wednesday night after kite-flying (no I don't just wear the same clothes everyday) my dear Uncle Renn, and his fiancé, (soon to be Aunt) Kiera
took Lisa and I out for Chinese food. I do feel a little bad that in the time Lisa has been here, we've had Chinese food twice, and are having an Asian Party tonight.
But it's not because of her. I really do eat asian food almost every day.
So here is my plate beforehand.
I labeled all my uncooked food, so you could identify it.
I ate other things, too, but this was just my first plate-full.
If you haven't been to a Hot Pot restaurant, then I will explain. You fill up your plate with fresh or frozen uncooked food.
And drop it into a boiling pot of broth, which is on a mini stove-thing in the center of your table.
The left side had chicken broth, the right was super spicy.
I could only eat a few shrimp from the spicy-hot side.
Why am I such a baby?
It was way fun, check out the Four Seasons, Hot Pot and Dumplings on University Ave. The man that owns it was very nice, albeit talkative.
This is octopus tentacle.
I freaking ate it.

Here's me about to have some:
And Lisa sticking some in her mouth. So brave!
It didn't really have much flavor, though, and the texture was like, wet, tough chicken. The scariest thing for me to actually swallow was the mussel, because Lisa said, "Oh, don't eat that part. It's filled with poop."
AFTER I stuck it in my mouth, but had yet to chew it up.
thanks lisa.

freaking poop.


Mary said...

OK at first i thought you ate that plate of food raw and i was gaging i was so grossed out. thank you for cooking it.

kaylie jean. said...

ohhhhh, it's like genghis kahn!

mmm. looks fantastic.
also, i loled at mary's comment.

Polly said...

wow, Renn looks like my dad.
I'm sure Lisa is happy to eat Asian food 3 times at home that is all she eats. Looks like fun.

MARCIE said...

OMGosh, Renn is much more handsome than that! And so is Polly's Dad! Did you see all the cute pictures of Renn on my blog? Very strange food there. Congrats for eating it!