Thursday, March 5, 2009

stumbling upon other's blogs

As I sat at home today, wondering whether or not I should do homework, I made an important decision:
I don't spend nearly enough time on the internet, and clearly need more people to stalk.
here are the blogs I found, and now officially follow:
(NO) Sex in the City

Why Mormon Girls Stay Single

A Little Suzy

Yeah, I gave in. I still think it's kind of stupid. but, Nie Nie

Rockstar Diaries

Le Love

C Jane Enjoy It

Sheye Rosemeyer

Seriously, So Blessed

Anna Page

Most of these, if not all, are LDS blogs, and most of these people are probably freaked out by the fact that I now stalk them, but whatever. I'm just adding them to the list of people I already stalk.
And they're cute.

And if my grandma can have thousands of blogging friends (with whom she meets up with -- yeah, my grandmother meets up with people she meets on the internet all the time! Didn't her mother ever tell her that was troublesome and naughty?) well then, I can also make blogging friends.

Maybe. If my blog decides it's cute enough to be read.


kaylie jean. said...

blogs that i read on a regular basis:

why mormon girls stay single

rockstar diaries

seriously, so blessed

i think that seriously, so blessed might be a little too dry for me-- even though i think it's entertaining and entirely satire, i still have a hard time fully grasping that. naomi and josh are probably the cutest couple i've ever.. stalked. and why mormon girls stay single is just controversial, and therefore hilarious.

i'll definitely have to check out these others. :)

Polly said...

I can't believe you would dare to call the nie nie dialogues "kind of stupid". I was reading her blog yesterday and bawling my eyes out yet again at how sweet, romantic and beautiful and tragic her blog is. It makes me desire to be a better blogger. Oh well, maybe a better wife and mother too. love you

kendra and jeffrey said...

I have been coveting the rockstar life for some time now. I love everything about them. They are just too adorable.

Oh I love a little sussy! {my sis took photo classes form her ;)} and her sis natalie is hilarious!

And I agree with your mom about nie nie.

The end. Thanks for sharing!

naomi megan. said...

hey! thanks for linking us here and writing this post! i think you are adorable and i love your photos.

i also need to cut back on how much i'm spending on polaroid film. it's crazy.

have a lovely weekend!


Kristiane Smith said...

i follow a lot of those blogs too... they're so good, and lead to so many other cool findings on the internet!

i love your banner... so cute. :)

MARCIE said...

Look at all those comments! Reach out and reap friends, that's what I always say. (I just made that whole thing up). Really, I have made some cool friends on line, but we are all in our 60's, so I am not too worried. :)