Sunday, March 8, 2009

Asian Night

We eat asian food almost every night anyways, but when Lauren got Misaki's latest film (Ponyo on the Cliff) we decided to make a party out of the event. This is our second official asian party Remeber this?
Also, Ponyo was wonderful. Probably my favorite Misaki yet, at least of those I've seen.
and, for some reason, I decided these pictures should all be black and white.

First of all, Lauren has a giant Costco Cat Book. No, none of us really LIKE cats, but Lisa was looking at this book, and it's pretty much bigger than her.
This is Sophie Lee, making the rice.
And me, defrosting the chickens.

Please take a gander at the 3 dollar DI special behind these folks. This is a painting on black pressed velvet.
Ryan and Lauren are siblings. Clearly.
Ryan served a mission in Japan, so he made us delcious potstickers.
Apparently, I'm a terrible dicer of cabbage.

My first home made potsticker!


Paige said...

An asian party? Why was I not invited I mean I clearly qualify because I have an asian. You have a lot of explaining to do.

Polly said...

I feel bad for Paige, why wasn't she invited? you are super bad! Who has a Kitchen Aid mixer in their apartment? Cool! I love the pic of Lisa with the cat book.

Lana said...

MIYAZAKI! I couldn't even handle reading this. MIYAZAKI!!!!