Sunday, March 8, 2009

day lights savings

I am wasted on late nights
And early mornings.
People classify themselves as Night Owls or Early Birds. Usually one or the other, they like to stay up late, or they like to get up early.
I am neither.
Or both?
I guess it depends on how late/early I get up/go to bed.
My prime time seems to be 4am.
Maybe it’s all those years of getting up at 4 for early morning seminary. But today I had to get Lisa to the Salt Lake City airport by 6:30, and being as it’s day lights savings I had to get up at what my body thinks is 4am.
I woke up and was fine.
Not only was I fine, I was starving.
I ate two bowls of Cheerios and then a huge bowl of left over stir-fry. I've never understood those people who can't eat in the morning, because the second I wake up everyday, I want a steak, or hamburger. I want real food. Always.
Especially at 4am.
I told this to Lauren and she says our bodies are biologically wired that way, so we can wake up easily in the middle of the night and start making babies.
I am apparently missing out on my prime baby-making years.


Polly said...

um, what are you wearing?

tammy said...

WOW!! I am so excited that you read my blog! You have really grown up since the last time I saw you. Not that I am so old but time flies and people change dramatically when you don't see them every day. I will enjoy reading your blog.