Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lisa taught me how to be asian.

Happy Birthday, Lauren! Daniel (our dear friend from Taiwan) got Lauren a pink lipstick for her birthday, because at nineteen "She's a real woman."

Birthday Parties and Asian food.
they go together.
Do you want to see our asian faces?

Patrick's is my favorite, of course.

And Lauren's face is my favorite.

I went to China.

Nice work, Lana.

Hilary thought "asian" meant gangster.
She's wrong, yo.

Dang. Daniel's asian is the best.

We played Catch Phrase. Guess which team wom? TEAM TWO!

I marketed a new type of delicious food to go with picklecicles.
They are called "Recky's Rispy RiceCicles."
"Why's that?" you ask. oh, because every document in my new ward says "Recky Froelich." instead of my actual name.
No wonder my home teachers haven't come to find me. Curse you ward menu!

But, back to the chinese food party...
Do you want to see us eat with chopsticks?

(Recky's Rispy Ricecicles)

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