Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the epitome of cool

that's me.
I am the the epitome of cool. If you were wondering.

Yesterday my mom told me to stay away from the Coal Umbrella.
Today I bought myself sunglasses at the Coal Umbrella.
Can I help it they're so cheap, and so vintage, and that the sun is so derned bright?
No, sir. (or ma'am.)

Want to hear the things I did today that made me feel cool? Here:
I rode my bike to school, wearing a summer dress and cowboyish boots, listening to local indie music.
I went to French, where I ate a loaf of bread, and tried to converse with my bad accent.
I went to my writing class where I was praised as a genius. (kind of... okay, not really, but I did receive high compliments)
I ordered take-out Chinese food in CHINESE.
No. I didn't. That was a flat out lie. I ordered Chinese food in English. It was delicious.
I went with my documentary-film-making boyfriend to the Pennyroyal, and Sego and the Coal Umbrella to conduct interviews, and discuss becoming more personally involved in making Provo be artsy and cool. All of the people that own and work at these venues recognize me on sight and some of them know me by name.
They all freaking love Travis and all want him to work with them making podcasts, videos, and the like.

(Let me take this moment to advertise. If you live in Provo, GO TO THE GALLERY STROLL. It is awesome. It is in downtown Provo on the first Friday of every month, from like 6-10. Everywhere opens up with art, most of it local. The Coleman Studios, Sego, even a church, and almost everywhere has food and music and awesome things happening.)

We rode Travis's scooter all about Provo.
Yeah, I know. Rad right?

I got myself some cheap sunglasses.
ZZ Top would be pleased, I think.
That's all I could ever ask for.


travis pitcher said...

Not only ZZ Top, but also LT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Tom Selleck, and most teenage boys. Thanks for supporting me in going home-teaching and documentary filmmaking and school and church calling and everything. You are the best girlfriend ever!

Polly said...

I wonder how you became so cool. I'm just glad that you know that about yourself. Being cool and unaware would be so sad. This way you can truly appreciate the opportunities that being cool brings your way. On a different note, stop spending money!

Lauren said...

Oh man. Tom Selleck. <3333

But yeah, way to be cool, Becky. Although you forgot to mention the one aspect of your life that makes you the coolest. Yeah. Me. Or not.

You are crazy.

MARCIE said...

Hey what does that funny <333 thing mean that Cool Lauren wrote? I think you bought my old sunglasses, that's how cool I am. I am so cool mu lips are blue. And your mom is so cool, obviously this is a genetic thing.
Are you talking about the Michael Coleman of Western Art fame Gallery? Now that IS cool!

MARCIE said...

Did I just say "mu lips are blue"? You know I meant MY lips are blue.