Thursday, February 12, 2009

bringing baby home from the hospital

beyond happy.
i am so beyond happy.

i am being bad now.
i should be doing homework right now. i'm not, and soon travis will be over with amélie, and we're going to watch that instead of homework.

as you may know, my computer fell from about three feet off the ground to the kitchen floor. i brought it to the apple store in SLC to ask what the cost was.
no cost.

my computer was fixed for free. these are the things they did:
i got a new hard drive.
a completely new keyboard and cover plate.
they appear to have fixed my disk drive (since now it works)
and they gave me LEOPARD!
Heck yes they did.
that program is over a hundred dollars alone, and I have it on my wonderfully brand new computer.

things that are sad:
i lost all my music, and pictures.
i lost some programs, like Word, and Photoshop

things that are happy:
i didn't lose any documents, which is essentially what i was worried about.
that stuff is priceless (to me, at least), and quite frankly - as a writer (which is what i claim to be) it is my life. it exists nowhere else, while my pictures are on most of my friends/families computers somewhere.
and all that music i can just steal again.
already on the car ride home i burned about a hundred songs.
i feel so good.
way too good to do homework.
i just want to play on my beautiful baby.
i think that is what i will do.

sorry shakespeare.
and french.

1 comment:

travis pitcher said...

Yeah new computer. Boo not doing homework. I gave you the choice and you chose.