Monday, February 9, 2009

I am stressing/freaking/going crazy at this moment.
Here's why:
I. Yesterday my computer fell and broke its hip, and by that I mean that it was open on the couch and I accidentally kicked off on to my hard kitchen floor. The music kept playing, and I thought "Oh, good. It's not broken." FALSE.
It will (after a great deal of time and effort) turn on and load and look normal, but NOTHING will open.
My dock won't pull up at the bottom and the applications won't work.
The only window I've managed to pull up is the force quit.
Unfortunately there was nothing to force quit.

II. I am so poor. I am the poorest person I know right now. (and yeah, whatever Chris, I am poor. The numbers in my bank account are real.) I even just got a deposit back from Glenwood, but I need to put that towards a down payment on my home for spring. The unfortunate thing is that Wyview is actually kicking us out, and we can't stay for spring. I need to pay my wisdom teeth bill, and I would really like to have enough money to finish buying books, and I don't know, eat.
and fix my computer.
a new expense.

This seems silly, but this also stressful. Today in the library I saw a boy that was very interested in me last semester. He hasn't called or texted in like two months and I thought he was over me.
No. He thought I was in London.
He's texted me like four times in the last ten minutes. DANG IT.
Because I don't want to be like "Oh, yeah thanks, I'm glad you like my bangs, by the way I have a boyfriend."

IV. Remember how I used to say that I would wake up in a cold sweat dreaming that all my music and movies and pictures had been deleted from the computer?
That nightmare seems to be a reality.
I feel like a moron. I've been needing an external hard drive for months, but kept putting it off because I'm poor. I've felt like crying all morning.
I have so much that I've written that isn't anywhere else. GAH! I am going crazy.

Want to hear some things that make me happy instead?

I. I appear to be very popular. Today just between the bus stop at the Wilk and JFSB I saw Chris Sorenson, Liz (Dan's Girlfriend), Paul Fischbuch, Amy Ostvig, and Noelle Pitcher. All of them were happy to see me, at least, they pretended to be.
I felt like... Eric or Travis. or Ron Burgundy.
People know me. No Big.

II. I have 15 followers on my blog now. SWEET. That is especially cool because I know of at least six other people who read it regularly but aren't "following," and yesterday no less than 5 people said "Oh, I love your bangs. I already saw them on your blog, though." Again, sweet. That makes me feel cool.

III. I'm using my iPod again and it is not shocking me. I got up early today and stylied my bangs, which I now kind of love.
I think.

IV. I had a super elaborate dream last night. I'll tell you later if you ask. If I were you, I would not ask.


Polly said...

Is this why you tried to call this morning? We are all sick!!!!

Mary said...

If you find time in your life you could call me tonight i am stuck in my room because i cant g et sick that would be very bad. sorry about your computer i hope that doesn't happen to me....when i buy mine. also i had a really really good dream i would love to share with you.

Lana said...

Poor Becky! That is just awful! This makes me so sad. Hopefully everything is still on your hardrive and is just hiding and scared to come out because it was dropped. The Mac people can fix it. The good things sound good though. I hope all is well. I love and miss you. And I was thinking about that house, and it is way too expensive. Honestly. For the 5 of us to pay 300 each! That means that if we lived there for a year our landlords would be receiving $18,000! I dont have that kind of money! But talk to your dad about it, he's all into building and stuff. If he's ever down in Provo have him look at it, tell us what he thinks and stuff. Man, I'd like to talk to you sometime soon. If i don't before V day.... ;) have fun.