Friday, February 13, 2009

Today in French class

two men got up during the lesson and left quietly, and then, a little later one came back.
"I'm sorry," he interrupted the class. "Does anyone have some consecrated oil? Darrin needs a blessing."
Three boys got to their feet and left with him.
The rest of the class was pretty much girls.
And one giant of a man named Chris.

How lovely to be somewhere where if ever I need a priesthood blessing, all I need to do is ask.


kendra and jeffrey said...

I am constantly amazed with how blessed I am to be at this amazing university!! AAAHH! It's fantastic.

Also, thanks for your comment. It made my day! haha!

Claire said...

Oh Beck. This made me sit back and realize what's really important in life. The Spirit came right into the library and gave me comfort. Thank you for that.

Unknown said...

La pretrise est une incroyable puissance.