Saturday, January 17, 2009


Becky and Travis went to SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL!
yeah, are you jealous?

We parked 6 miles away from the city, so that we could park for free, and we climbed on to a bus.
And we were on the bus for about an hour and a half. Why so long? We don't know. We went in circles.

There it is. There's the bus.What is this? Is this ice?
Absolut on ice.
Jim Carrey and Kevin Bacon were in there.
This is my date, Travis. He bought the tickets. He provided the ride. He has a bunch of pictures that I want. We also got pictures in a photo booth, and I want them.
I have to write it here, so I don't forget.
This is the Michael Cera movie. Sadly, I didn't get to see Michael Cera.
But I did get to see Ashton Kutcher! Sadly, this picture didn't turn out well. My dad (who was also there, but not with us) talked to Christina Ricci for like five minutes before he realized who she was. He also saw Steven Spielberg. We met a gay porn star. He took our picture.
We also met/saw a couple directors.
All I provided was the food, and it was smashed (SUPER smashed) Subway.
These are our tickets to "Old Partner," a Korean documentary. Which was sweet az.

This is us at the theater.
At Sundance.
The Film Festival.


Unknown said...


Polly said...

that looks like an awesome day!

Polly said...
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Polly said...

your Dad didn't see Christina Ricci he thinks he saw Christi Brinkley. A gorgeous blonde older then me, possibly just some random blonde woman, he doesn't know.