Thursday, January 15, 2009

this post is about my dad

because no one would believe that he's a romantic, and when he reads this, he'll be mad.

Today I spoke to my dad on the phone, while in the Wilk with Sarah and Kari. After I hung up, Sarah said, "How old is your dad?"
Me: 39
Sarah: What?! No way! How old is your mom?
Me: 38, they got married right out of high school.

We talked a little more, of this and that, but not of parents. I had to run catch a bus, and right before I turned to leave, Sarah said "Becky, wait. Are your parents still in love?"

That was nice. Because usually people ask "Are your parents still together?" and that's not the same.
It was nice to say "Yes, and sometimes I have people over, and they'll come find me and say, 'Becky, you're parents are making out in the kitchen. What do I do? I need some food.' and I get to say, 'Yeah, that happens, sorry.'"

Lately, my dad has taken it upon himself to deliver priceless gems of knowledge to my door. I think he feels he should, since I'm now at a college that not only provides their graduates with degrees, but usually spouses.
Here's some dad knowledge:

Dad: Sex is the second best thing in the world.
Me: What's the first best thing?
Dad: Temple Marriage.

Me: I feel bad that all of them are divorced, and they are all under thirty.
Dad: They didn't do things in the right order. They didn't follow the formula.
Me: What's the formula?
Dad: Find your soulmate. Get married. Done.

Dad: Being happy in life is very easy. Find someone that you love, that you're completely crazy for, and get swept up. Then stay that way forever. It's not hard to do. I'm doing it.

Also, he quoted Sleepless in Seatle.
He did.
He said, "Find someone, and then make sure you're MFEO."

Made For Each Other.
That's all I'm looking for.
That is all.


kendra and jeffrey said...

This is lovely. He has some good advice, your dad.

I love sleepless in Seattle. a lot.

Polly said...

could you please not write on your blog that your parents make out all the time! I swear, we do other things, sometimes...

Mary said...

First of all you do.
Second of all what else?

Becky Pitcher said...

Mary's comment=zero sense.

MARCIE said...

Mary's comment makes perfect sense to me. She is commenting on your mother's comment. Lovely post Beck. Your dad got lucky! VERY lucky! It is not always that easy, but that's what we aim for! (OK, your mom got lucky too)!

Nana B said...

What's really nice is when you can marry someone you love that is also your best friend. And Grandpa and I still make out in the kitchen. And it is nice to hear that you are at an age where you now realize that your parents are smart, that actually means you are growing up a bit, or maturing a little bit. Don't give up, look how long it took me to find my soul mate. And you know he is the best there is, so find someone like Grandpa only younger. And that could be either Grandpa.