Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Benjamin Button

this movie was long, and weird.
If you don't know the gist of it, here it is: a baby was born an old man. As he grew up, he got younger. He grew in reverse.
if you have three hours, please go see this. Some things were weird, like Cate Blanchet's CGIed face over the face of the girl who plays her as a child, and weird make up jobs that sometimes made the characters look like a poor first try of E.T.
But it was very touching, and unexpected. I cried a great deal.
You know how well I can handle movie that try to evoke tears.
Tears are almost always evoked.
I cried for probably an hour.
then later at dinner a little.
one of the main themes of the movie --and i don't think this spoils anything-- is being old before your time, and being young when everyone you know is gone.
i went with two of my grandparents, and afterward, my teary eyed 85 year-old great grandfather, said, "that was unexpected, and now is a bad time for me anyway"
his wife, my great grandmother louise, died nine years ago tomorrow. i loved her very much. i love my family very much.
That movie, through all it's strangeness, just reminded me how dearly i love them all. how afraid i am of losing them, and how much i hope that they are happy.
i haven't posted yet about the holidays at all, but i promise to. Until then, know that i love you.
i hope you are all happy and well this holiday season.

1 comment:

Polly said...

Mary and I went, we loved it. We didn't cry during dinner, we cried a little during the movie. It was sweet.