Thursday, January 1, 2009

so this is the new year,

and I don't feel any different.

but I do. Don't you? You know every year when you wake up early on your birthday and think "Today I am seventeen, eighteen, twenty-five, forty." and you look in the mirror, and think "but I am just the same as I was yesterday."

I am not the same as I was yesterday, at least, not quite, even if I feel the same. But I am definitely not the person I was one year ago, and the number of things that have happened since January 1st, 2008 is somewhat overwhelming to think about.

For a song as long as The New Year (by Death Cab) you'd think that there'd be more lyrics.

So this is the new year
And I have no resolutions
For self assigned penance
For problems with easy solutions

I have really been trying to think of what to make a resolution about. I thought, "I will do better at work. I won't call in sick when I'm not sick. I won't stand around and avoid the supervisor instead of working."
I thought, "I will write in my journal everyday, and try to write something else. Work on a poem, a story, just describe something I see."
I thought, "I will do my freaking homework for once in my life. I'm better than the crappy grades that I get. Any intelligent person would be embarrassed by the report cards that I bring home."

So I stole Lauren's resolution. I am going to work hard.
You can (maybe) hold me to that.
Happy New Year.
Thank you for everything this last year, and all the years past.


Polly said...

2008 was a big year for us wasn't it. Lots of changes. I was trying to think of things that happened in 2008 and I thought of your foot surgery, that seems like it happened years ago and it was just in the early spring. Crazy how it is hard to hold on to time and events. I'm glad you are miraculously healed, and could train to run a marathon if you chose that as your New Year's resolution!

MARCIE said...

Good NY resolutions. I have a few as well. One might have something to do with chocolate, but I didn't start yet. I have some Godiva under my bed at home that I have to finish first! Haha!