Saturday, December 27, 2008

interesting facts about the missoula montana airport

there is a concession stand that closes before five, and then, if hungry, one must get food from a vending machine.
the pilot of the flight about to leave is making jokes over the intercom -- through the whole airport, about flying to las vegas instead of minnesota, and how he's glad that he hasn't been beat up yet, because they're leaving late.
there is a sign out front that asks that you park your boats, trailers, campers, and whatnot in the complementary parking lot out back.
every one here is in plaid.
i have seen many people with dogs, just hanging out. big dogs.
there are only two gates.
the pilot just read a list of the names of people who have not yet boarded the flight that is leaving.
when i went to check in the man asked for my name, "froelich," i said. "rebeccah?" he asked, pulling my already printed on a apparently hand-cut piece of computer paper boarding pass from a file folder.
there are two floors, no escalator, only one staircase and a small elevator.
an attendant just announced that a plane will be here soon, and after it is emptied, we can begin boarding.
there are stuffed animals EVERYWHERE. Not teddy bears, or toys, but full taxidermied moose and deer.
i think the square footage of this airport is about the same as the average house.
there are motivational posters on the wall.
a weirdly high number of people in the room i am in seem to be wearing bandannas.
I was supposed to board ten minutes ago, luckily, I know the plane hasn't left me, since they apparently have a policy where they do not leave without everyone being on the flight without announcing it, or repeating their name in song over the intercom.
oh, the plane that is supposed to be leaving, just ushered their passengers back into the room, and they appear to be parading to a different gate.

maybe i'm just used to the minneapolis airport, but really?
come on missoula.

okay i googled images of the missoula airport. here's what i got:

that's right, a one-man plane and a BEAR.

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