Sunday, September 28, 2008

Life Line

How sad is my life that in my quest to save more money for London, the hardest thing to give up isn't food, but my cell phone? I checked my bank account online on friday, because the MTC puts my check directly in my account.
I knew I had 306 dollars on Thursday.
I had 390 dollars on Friday.
After two weeks of work? I had my phone in hand ready to call my manager and raise a storm, before I remembered that the MTC wasn't the only one who dealt with my money automatically.
Every month they take 60 dollars away from me so I can call my mom and text my roommates.
I keep trying to get myself to go online and change things up, I don't need 1000 texts a month, do I?
and then another voice says, "You run out of texts the last week of every month."
and then "What if so-and-so finally gets around to texting you. He can't like you if you can't talk."
and then "You only use 1000 texts. Most of your friends have unlimited, you know. What self control you have."

and my life line sucks away my life.
Curse you cell phone.

Last night I dreamt that the boy I liked was texting me nonsense words. I was torn, I didn't know if I should be glad he was texting me or upset that he was wasting my precious, precious texts.
I woke up with a stomach ache.

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