Sunday, August 15, 2010

Feminism in the Pitcher house: like a sci-fi stripper

Today after my hair was staticed to my forehead, I said "How do I look?"
And although I was fully dressed (and in church clothes, too!)

Travis looked me over and said,

"Hot. Like a striper.
From a sci-fi movie."

A few minutes later he said "Don't put that on your blog."
"Too late," I said.
"You've already written it?"
"No, I've already planned what to write about it."
"Ahh," he said.

Then he said "All I wanted was to make you feel sexy even though your hair was crazy and stupid. I'm just trying to empower my wife. But, it seems I have empowered her too much. Since she will not even respect my wishes."

Then when I read this aloud he said "That's a pretty good blog post."

Then he suggested my title.
Then he said not to write it, but I did.

Everything I've written here is true.


Marge Bjork said...

I love your family

travis pitcher said...

no comment.

Becky Pitcher said...

A COMMENT saying "No Comment?"

You are a silly boy.

Polly said...

I think your insane.