Thursday, July 1, 2010

There's no place like home

We're home.
I nearly cried when I saw our bed.

Luckily for you, this means that I will start posting pictures like crazy.

But not quite yet.
First, I am going to unpack.
And do some laundry.
And some grocery planning and shopping.
And eat some more strawberries (hallelujah!)
And open all the windows.
And catch up on blogs.
And go on a bike ride.

Mmmm... it is so good to be here.
You know how everyone's house has a smell, but you can never smell your own?
When we came in our door last night there were a few minutes where Travis and I just stood and smelled.
After a long trip, you learn what you smell like to other people.
Like old musty houses. Like sugar and honey. Like pages and pages of books.

I wish I could still smell it now, but I think the fact that I can't is okay.
This is our home.
Oh, I love it like mad.


Polly said...

I'm so glad you are home safe and sound and able to sleep in your own bed. You've had a long last few days hanging out in airports and on airplanes. It is enough to make anyone long for home.

Lauren said...


I came by your house last night to get your mail one last time and the mailbox was empty. "They're home!" I thought. I was about to knock on the door to say hello and return your keys, but then I realized that you were probably in a deep sleep. I figured waking you from that would be cruel.

I'm so glad you're home!!
Let me know when I can return your keys/see you/interrogate you about your trip (because I want to hear all about it).

Mary said...

What Up!! you are home at last I call skyping with you tonight or this weekend...maybe we could get lisa in on it. that would be fun : ) missed you alot this month!