Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bella Baby Photography

After lots of training, procrastination and feeling scared I am finally beginning my new job! Early tomorrow morning (so when you read this I'll probably be at work!) I will drive the scooter to the hospital, camera bag in tow, and begin snapping photos!

I'm working with Bella Baby Photography taking pictures of the new born babies. Check out their website, it's SO sweet. We take the pictures right in the room, always in sight of Mom, often on the foot of the bed, or even in Mom's arms.
We post the pictures online within a half-hour and sell the pictures to any family that wants the pictures (and who wouldn't?) and I get paid a commission. So even if Grandma is across the world she can look at them the same time as Mom can. It's pretty amazing technology.

I can't post any pictures because of confidentiality issues, but I'll be sure to tell you every time I see a really cute baby (probably every day.)

Travis says "Promise me you won't come home wanting a baby."
I say, "Yeah right, there's no way I can go and take pictures of an average of 10 new babies a day and not want one. I want one now and I hardly ever see them."
I love babies.

I love taking pictures.

This is the perfect job, am I right?


Polly said...

Yeah, I hope you do really well and have lots of fun.

sienna said...

what a fun job. i'm sure you'll do great. just remind yourself that having a baby won't help your sleep problem mentioned above.

Victoria said...

Hi, I was wondering if you still work for Bella Baby and/or if you aren't, did you enjoy it and make decent money? I am a new photographer trying to learn while I start my own business and have the opportunity to do this as well.