Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Travis and I no longer sleep.
We take turns not sleeping.

He gets up every other day at 4, and wanders around until sitting down and editing film.
I've been so restless that I've been sleepwalking, which I haven't done since I was much younger.
Last night I woke up suddenly in the kitchen at 1am.
The only reason I woke up was because the toaster I was holding and trying to pry away from the wall suddenly clattered to the ground and the sound startled me.
Travis called from bed, "Are you okay? What are you doing?"
And I had no idea. What was I doing?

I went back to bed, but not back to sleep. I tossed and turned (literally) dozing in and out until about 6 when it started getting light outside and I got up. Now it's almost 8, and I only have 40minutes before I have to leave for work. I planned on getting up at this time, but since I'm already awake, dressed, showered and have eaten... I have nothing to do for 40 minutes except feel tired and not sleep.

I think maybe I'm like a baby... you know, how babies need really specific routines in order to sleep? Anyone have any ideas?
If I eat or read before bed I have really crazy, tiresome dreams and wake up exhausted.
But this stinks.

I love to sleep.
I hate sleepwalking.


Lauren said...

Take a bath before bed!

That's what you do for babies.

Polly said...

I think Travis should do a documentary on you sleep walking and film you in the night when he hears you up to see what your doing. I would watch that. Hopefully you won't go pee in the bathtub like you did when you were eight.

Mary said...

haha I hope you go pee in the bathtub and travis films it for me...NOW that would be a good family video!

Natasha and Jesse said...

I hope you don't mind me commenting. Have you tried taking melatonin? That works for me when I'm having trouble sleeping.

Natasha from: