I am studying my for a history test off a group study guide off Google Docs.
(One person sets up an online document and then everyone in the class can go in and add to it and contribute answers. Then answers that you don't have in your notes can be found, and for essay type questions you can see what other people are thinking and bounce ideas around.)
Anyway, underneath Zheng He and His Voyages some one wrote:
He was originally a Eunuch, but became an admiral in the navy.
Due to their use of originally I am led to believe that whoever wrote that fact thinks being a eunuch is a position or rank, something that, luckily, Zheng He was able to take care of.
And actually, being a eunuch may just lower one's position or rank, but its not something that you can just fix.
Unless my understanding of eunuchs is completely off.
Note: Do not be foolish like me and accidentally google images of eunuchs when you MEAN to google images of Zheng He.
hahaha, oops.
Hahaha. That is confusing.
Which history class are you in and who is your teacher?
hist 202 with Evan Ward
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