I miss you.
I wish you were here.
These are the things I would do if you were here:

Wear pretty little clothes and shoes. Eat pretty little foods.

Smell pretty little flowers. Play pretty little games.

Ride a pretty little bike.
And kiss my pretty little husband.
Be pretty happy, and little nostalgic for winter. (isn't that how it goes?)
(And, all this bike riding and fruit eating would make me pretty and little)
Other things to do it the spring:
Not have to scrape my sucky windshields.
Not have to be in sucky school.
Not have to eat sucky heavy winter foods.
As you probably figured out, my current feelings towards
Winter are: you are sucky and endless.
and towards Spring: you are pretty and little.
Aaand, Travis is neither pretty or little. He is a strong manly man, who is big and handsome.
I'm sorry I said that he is little and pretty above. It just fit best with my theme.
I still kiss him now too even though its winter time.
*Click on each photo above to see who I stole it from!
1 comment:
oh pretty little Becky. I can't wait for spring, but I am always unsatisfied with the now (something I am working on). Spring will be great.
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