If there are pictures, I tend to look at all the pictures instead of reading the whole post. (a habit I got into when Lana was in London writing SUPER long posts, with SUPER great photos.)
I saw this picture and was momentarily confused.

This is what I actually murmured aloud:
"Is that the J. Crew model?"
I scrolled up and read the rest of the post and good eye, Becky! It was a photo from the most recent J. Crew catalog, which I have yet to get (because I accidentally unsubscribed and keep stalling to REsubscribe because it feels wasteful, even though I love it.).
This seems rather pathetic to me. I don't even totally read my friend's blogs but I always read the J. Crew catalog cover to cover.
Often more than once. To the point that I saw this picture and knew who it was.
Can I help it J. Crew catalogs makes me feel happy?
I vow to try to do better. I will legitimately read your posts, friends. Not just look at the pictures.
I am a big-time blogskimmer myself. blah blah blah. you know what I'm saying?
to many blog post for one day....I love February by the way so far its the pretties month in Montana
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