Friday, February 5, 2010

A note to those as stupid as me:

(not that I believe you ARE as stupid as me, of course)

Do not leave uncooked gnocci on the counter overnight. Aka, do not leave mashed potatoes mixed with uncooked egg on your counter overnight. It will turn a strange greenish-gray and make you feel sick to look at.

On a second, remarkably similar note: Do not leave the homemade Pesto that you made to go with said gnocci out overnight either.
Being lazy makes your kitchen super gross.

A note to my husband: I am sorry. I will clean up soon.

(Yes, that's right, I did not clean it up yet and I am not cleaning up immediately. We really are just about to leave. I promise, usually I'm a freaking awesome little wife. Need I mention the banana french toast sandwichs? Becky invented. America approved.)

(No, America has not officially as a government approved my banana french toast sandwichs, but I think they're doing more important things.)

1 comment:

MARCIE said...

Trial and error living, that is what that is.I found out the same thing early on with oatmeal! It turns to cement! But I notice that your cooking is a little more bizarre than mine. However the same principle applies: soak everything, the sooner the better! Love you!