Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Family Home Evening

As Mormons, we're asked that one night a week we have a family night, for most families that night is Monday. Our first family night was on our Honeymoon, so pretty much we laid in bed and read the Proclaimation to the World before falling asleep.

So last night was the Becky and Travis Pitcher Family's first real Family Home Evening and in our house, too!
We had big plans, you know, raking all of our leaves and jumping in them, carving our pumpkins, eating toasted seeds and oatmeal cookies.

Instead, we did all of our laundry, organized the majority of the living room, we made a tasty casserole for dinner (that really made me feel like a wife!) we did have oatmeal cookies, and then to celebrate the beginning of our family we watched one of my old home videos.
It was fantastic.

Many of you have seen the video of Chelsea dancing on the dock for a boy down the shore, unaware of my family filming from up the hill in the house.
Fewer I think have seen the video of Jack's best friend Sam trying to catch a butterfly by leaping and clutching the air, followed by his defeated stomp, hunchbacked up the hill to the house.
Combined with the elaborate film that the Haggen girls and I wrote and starred in, in which Emma was kidnapped by Kayla and saved by Mia and I, made our evening completely enjoyable, despite the lack of raking and carving.

Maybe we'll carve our pumpkins tonight.
Maybe tomorrow.
Maybe we'll save them for our next family home evening.


Polly said...

thanks for posting! How did you watch the videos? Aren't they little tiny tapes? I can't wait till you get them onto DVD's for us! sounds like fun.

Chris said...

I want to see the Sam video. Send me that video. I'm picturing Nicholas from "I am a Bunny". It's funny, but Kathryn still does a great Sam impersonation, even after 15 months.