Wednesday, August 12, 2009

BYU Health Care

Today I went to the doctor to ask about a physical before I get hitched.

Guess what I learned? At BYU instead of having an OBGYN appointment before you get birth control, you have to take a three hour "intimacy" class.

Oh, mormons.

p.s. we want this in our house.

p.p.s. i LOVE this song. I'm crazy about it. Obsessed may or may not be too strong a word, but if you think it is, then you should watch the video here.


Polly said...

who takes the class? both of you?
oh, Mormons! Don't ya just love em! I do!

Allie said...

hee hee. but i work at the health center, and i know the woman who teaches it, and she's sort of grandmotherly. but not in a creepy sort of way. let's take it together!