Thursday, June 4, 2009

no games

"You're not boring, I'm never bored when I'm with you."

"What about when I am napping on my couch?"

"That's when I'm least bored, those are my favorite times."

"Really, I find it hard to believe that that's when you're the least bored."

"Okay, so it's not when I'm the least bored."

"Is that even your favorite time, or was that whole sentence a lie?"

"What? oh yeah, that whole sentence was a lie."

we played a game. we decided to think of five words that embodied the other person.
you don't get to hear the long explanations that each of the words merited. (like, for example, unstable.)
but here they are:
creative, alive, personable, desire, loyal

unstable, passionate, poetic, imagination, sympathy

1 comment:

Polly said...

That's what every man is looking for in a woman "unstable" so maybe I do need an explanation. Or not, I know just what he is talking about. Since your holding a kite I think "flighty" would've been a good one