Thursday, June 4, 2009

What up, media?

So you know how every single good chick-flick seems to be interrupted by a raucous sex scene?
Bah, it makes me mad, it drives me crazy.
I just want to watch a love story without sex, or rather, without such blatant sex.
Not that I'm anti-sex, or anything, but you know how the media wants us to believe that everyone has sex before marriage except mormons (and only some mormons, at that.)
Well, I was browsing around the Glamour website, written mostly by Joanna Goddard (check her personal blog here), and I stumbled upon this lovely article.
On her sex and relationships blog, Jo took a survey, and 41% of the women polled say that they will not have sex until their wedding night.

A few of them share their stories, and I LOVE them. They're very sweet.
One girl wrote that despite being nonreligious she researched the subject scientifically and found this out:
"Turns out, sex creates chemicals that bond a couple together. But that feeling fades, usually after two years or so. The problem is that if you have sex too soon, those chemicals will overshadow any serious flaws in your relationship. The easiest way to avoid this is to only have sex after you've made the ultimate commitment--marriage. Then you know your relationship is based on love and compatibility, not lust.

There are other benefits to waiting: I never have to worry about pregnancy scares (whee!), or if a guy likes me or just wants to get into my pants (double whee!)."

Anyways, I know it's a strange topic for the blog today, but I thought it was interesting, and that you might too.

[Read the full article here.]

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