Wednesday, June 10, 2009

did I mention I seem to be sharing a bed with a lab?

this post is long, but they are just some of my musings written on my journey from Virginia to Minnesota.
which is where I happen to be.
here goes:

Reading in a car makes me feel carsick, and being on a plane makes me feel planesick.
Just plane sick.
I’m sorry. No more of those truly embarrassing jokes. Just plane sick. Honestly.
But really, people talk about motion sickness, as if there is one type of nausea that you feel when you’re in motion, and it just intensifies with speed or bumpiness or something.

I pretty much hate doing anything without having music playing. My ipod is almost dead, and if it gives up then I will steal my neighbor’s.. The girl next to me has a Macbook Pro. The guy on my other side is watching a movie on his PC. Until he pulled that out I thought that he might be mildly cool.
He seemed nice.
Clearly, you can’t judge a book by its cover. But you can judge a person by their Macbook.

Hello Michigan.
Thank you for letting me stay in your airport for a while.
My iPod appears to love the Michigan airport as well, and has fine-tuned its musical ear to help me appreciate the beautiful body of water outside.
With no help from me, the song “Lake Michigan” by Rogue Wave began literally as I stepped into the airport. Immediately followed by Sufjan Steven’s “To be Alone With You,” which, if you didn’t know, begins with the line, “I'd swim across Lake Michigan,”
Also, in the two hours that I spent in the airport, I wrote a poem about dying in Lake Michigan.
It rhymes, can you believe it? Maybe my first poem that rhymes since tenth-grade English.

I’m really into my Lily Allen It’s not me, it’s you album right now, but it’s actually kind of sad. The music is brilliant, but her topics cover: how everyone is on drugs, either prescribed or illegal, Anti-gays and conservatives are worthless bigots, Just because she sleeps with you doesn’t mean she likes you, You will never find prince charming, God may still be around, but he certainly doesn’t know what’s going on, and um.. all she wants is sex and money, nothing else is important.
Yeah, okay. I know.
I’m sure she sold her soul, and that’s why her songs are both awesome, and totally horrifying.

So, my flight is over half over already, and I’m in aisle 12. The drink cart has only just gotten to the row in front of me,.
Ooooh. The smell of coffee is so strong, and wonderful. It’s perfectly soothing, and rich. It’s one of my favorite smells, and in Utah I only ever get a whiff of it in Target or Barnes and Noble.
Maybe that’s why I love the smell. Target and bookstores happen to be my favorite places ever.
Huh, everyone in my row denied drinks and cookies. Interesting.

I think that thirty or forty years ago the idea of being a flight attendant must have seemed like a saucy, sexy thing to be. All of the young women in their twenties looking for a bit of adventure, and a chance to travel must have rushed flight attendant school.
Then, when all the positions were filled, they just stopped hiring.
I don’t think I’ve ever been on a plane where the attendants were younger than fifty or sixty. I wonder how long that stayed fun for them.

I just found a spilt end and I pulled it apart for more than an inch.


Lauren said...

your title misled.

nowhere did you discuss the dog

kendra and jeffrey said...

Becky! I missed your skype chat. darn. I was out running errands.

I also love the smell of coffee. It makes the atmosphere so warm and inviting!

tammy said...

I think a lot of Lily Allen's songs are making fun of people and being ironic. The F*** you song.... my personal favorite...sorry.

Katie said...

so, how did it feel being in the greatest state? bet it felt good....