Tuesday, June 9, 2009

what, am I dating a fifteen year old?

As I watched Travis shave via Skype (yes, I was watching Travis shave his face. Nothing strange there.)
Hey, he just called me spoiled!
Anyways, as I watched him shave, he cut himself.

It made me feel sad for his face and also, it made me giggle.
Except for that one big time (which doesn't really count at all, though I do still have a scar)I don't think I've cut myself shaving since I was fourteen.

Oh, Travis. You are silly.
and also, there's blood on your face.

and you missed a spot on your chin.


Lauren said...

Poor Travis. Sliced AND mocked publicly! I hope your face heals soon, friend.

travis pitcher said...

thank you. It was just a pimple cut so no big deal. happens to everybody...

Mary said...

Remind me again why this is the boy you picked to date?

BRNZ said...

I have no idea how to respond to this post. Honestly. The litany in my head is simply this: "wait, what?"