Saturday, June 13, 2009

ask any of my siblings

and they'll tell you that the best part of a new house is exploring the woods inevitably surrounding it.
Mary, Jack, Kathryn and I explored the creepy barn out behind Matt's new house, followed by a brief investigation of the woods. Later, Mary, Nichole and I returned to the woods, and played around in these giant cement trenches, the use of which is being debated. Was it a dairy farm? A chicken coop? Some strange form of irrigation?
Who knows? Do you know?
I cannot, for some reason, coax my pictures off the camera, but when I do, you are in for a treat.
Until then, here are some pictures from my sister Mary's camera.
She took most of the pictures, but I took some, too.
I love Canon cameras.

This is my baby sister Mary, the high school graduate. She is pointing at a junk pile.
This is Mary, and my cousin Nichole.

Can you tell that that is a basketball court?
We found many things in junk piles around the yard and within the trees.
Including several bathtubs, a stove, a fridge, and a hot water heater or two. (These were actually pretty far into the woods.)
Have you ever seen such leafy greenness anywhere else? I think we might live in the garden of Eden.

This is the barn from behind. It doesn't look creepy at all here.


kendra and jeffrey said...

You look good in purple Becky. I love these pictures!

Lisa said...

:O right, you are back home!!
ahhh. i need to call you on skype.