Friday, May 22, 2009

zen and the art of bicycle maintenance

I read in a magazine that if you go biking for forty minutes and you bike fast the whole time you lose more weight than if you biked slow the whole time.
BUT then I read that if you bike slow(ish) for forty minutes with bursts of speed every few minutes then you will lose the most weight.
How interesting...
So I tried that.
And apparently biking in spurts of speed on a beach bike on a windy, bumpy, root-covered trail breaks your bike.

Oops. I guess that's my own fault entirely and I should have seen it coming.
The chain came off my bike and I was headed down a very narrow, wiggly path without brakes. I dragged my feet (drug my feet? drigged my feet? honestly...) until I stopped.
Then, while listening to Iron and Wine, and wearing a white skirt, and being in the middle of a state park (aka in the woods), I PUT THE CHAIN BACK ON MY BIKE.
It was really hard, and I had to say a little prayer after the first unsuccessful ten minutes.
But I am impressed with myself, and you should also be impressed.
I tried to wash my hands in a puddle.
Then I tried to wipe them off on leaves.

Then I biked home, and took pictures of my blackened fingers.

Too bad I washed these fingers in a puddle. Otherwise you could see how really dirty I was.


Nana B said...

Next I think you should change the oil in a car, you should be able to do it without getting your hands dirty. I bet Grandpa Mike would teach you, or how about changing a flat tire on a car, now there you might get dirty hands again. Anyway, good girl with the bike chain, I'm not sure I could do it, but then I have a 21 speed, that's why I carry tools and make sure that man of mine is with most times. WE will bike this weekend sometime, I hope. Pray for no rain.

Polly said...

I bet Grandpa Mike couldn't help you. It has been probably 25 years since he changed his own oil, if ever. Funny yesterday I went on a bike ride with my friend and her bike chain fell off. We didn't even try to fix it, we just walked home. So good job! It is nice to see you can get your hands dirty when you need to. hehe

travis pitcher said...

that's my girl. grease and all.