Tuesday, May 19, 2009

weighing in even

I am not sure how, but yesterday I measured my waist for a dress I am making, and I have the EXACT same measurements that I had four years ago when I was a Junior in high school.
I know this for fact, because I remember being in that little hallway between the choir room and band room in high school, and measuring my waist, and then we measured Eli's waist, and Matt Patt's, and I remember being horrified that we all had a 28 inch waist.
Now that I think back, I bet they were more horrified than I was.
Also, I gave in and weighed myself.
EVERY time that I have weighed myself in the last two years, no matter what scale or what time of day, I have weighed 128.
exactly 128.

Can someone tell me how this is happening?
I feel myself getting chubbier, and skinnier and going back and forth and whatever on a regular basis.
Honestly. It freaks me out a little. Especially because I know that when I was a junior with the same size waist as I have now, I only weighed 125.
I gained three pounds my freshman year at college, and it never leaves me.


travis pitcher said...

don't sweat it. I tried on a pair of jeans that were 28 yesterday and i couldn't fit my leg in. 28 is skinny. if you do want to get more fit, here are some stats from the trek go by bike movement.
"the average person looses 13 lbs their first year of commuting by bike."
"a 140 lb cyclist burns 508 calories while pedaling 14 mph"
"just three hours of bicycling per week can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%"

anyways, i love you however you are. 128 or 125 it doesn't matter.

Polly said...

What about 225? Will you still love her then Travis?
I wish my waist was 28inch and my weight 128. I feel myself getting skinnier and fatter too and my weight stays the same. I'm going with fat moves around your body, plus you gain muscle when you lose fat.

travis pitcher said...

yes i would still love her, but we would be riding bikes quite a bit i think. ;)