Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A trip to the past

Lauren and I went to the past.
Into Colonial Williamsburg. We had old fashioned photographs taken, but they were the best photos around.
Too bad we accidentally wore our future clothes.
I bet we looked silly to those colonial folks.
Also, we went into a candy shop, and a cheese store.
Best stores ever.

This is us with Jefferson. He was kind enough to pose for a picture, but I felt a little bad because he was in the middle of writing the Declaration of Independence.
I hope that our going into the past and distracting him during such a crucial time in our history didn't disrupt the future.



travis pitcher said...

flirting with thomas jefferson. the time space continueum ramifications could be disatserous.
glad that you had fun in the past.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys so much! I miss you...