Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A few more pictures around the house

Turns out I couldn't stop myself, and I had to keep taking pictures.
And I had to keep cropping them together.
Anyways, this is a beach house, a grandparents' house, and a quilter's house.


MARCIE said...

How do you make rusty paint buckets and broken fences look so cool? And I like the other snippets too. I am glad you like it here.

Polly said...

I recognize everything except the picture that has the cow in it, what is that? I am feeling a little jealous that you are there and I am not. I hope you take it upon yourself to love every minute of it! The bottom picture in the last post is my little indian doll, I loved her, she is wearing a dress that my great grandma made(I think, or my mom). Also the swing looks inviting, Kathryn really wants a swing in a tree, I'm afraid of scary poisonous spiders falling on our heads though.