Sunday, May 24, 2009

this is the face

of a lumberjack, planning her return to the homeland.

FAMILY, take note: I will be there for Mary's grad party. I am coming to Minnesota.

FRIENDS IN MINNESOTA, pay attention: I will be there from the 14th of June until the 21st (?).
I think, or the twentieth. Or another week, depending on when Trav can get work off.
We're coming, and our time had best be jam packed with fun.
Please figure out a time that you are free to come love me, and tell me.
Also, I probably lost your number, so if you haven't sent it to me, please do. Then I can call you, and make plans with you.


Lauren said...

Define "homeland."

Also, call me!

Unknown said...

i approve of this plan.


travis pitcher said...

i like that face. hopefully it won't sprout a beard like a real lumberjack.

Unknown said...

Well I'll be damned. We might actually get to run into each other. We'll have to do the whole talking thing again soon to find out things for sure.

tammy said...

I love Minnesota. I miss it all the time. I will be there for the state fair and I am so excited.