Monday, May 25, 2009

a post about music


They have a new album called Upper Air.
It's full of whimsical, folksy music, that's chill enough for Travis and Lana to like, but isn't totally boring.
I think it's lovely.

Mp3 Northern Lights

Sufjan Stevens
Do you love Sufjan as much as I love him?
Unless you're Lauren Bingham, you have no excuse. She has no excuse either, I've just decided to forgive her for not loving Sufjan when she ought to.
I've loved Sufjan for many months now, and today I stumbled upon his blog.
Yes I did.
Please read this insanely darling post by dear Sufjan, who grew up in the midwest, and is a failed writer turned musician.
That might be me.
If only I could fail at writing and also somehow learn an instrument.
and how to sing.
and how to read music.
Sufjan and I, we have a lot in common. Including that we're engaged to be married to each other.
No big. it's not creepy that I said that.

Mp3 Sophia's Song


travis pitcher said...

i am not into boring music right now. i like the dodos and electronica right now. they sound good though. i like the baaaaba bananaaaaa banana banbana baaa. that is the strumming pattern.

Kristiane Smith said...

i adore Sufjan. :)
his voice and the twang of his banjo make me so happy.

thanks for linking his blog... i am excited to read it.