Thursday, May 14, 2009

my grandmother is a teenager

this is her at 16. with her boyfriend.

* we have the same sleeping patterns. unlike my grandpa, my grandmother and i stay up well past midnight, and get up after ten every day.

* she watches american idol. obsessively. and spends time roaming itunes and buying american idol music.

* she listens to jason mraz, matt costa, feist, ingrid michaelson, and all the same music as you.

*she knows the theme song to the O.C. and can sing or whistle it to you at your request.

*she spends all day on her blog, or reading her friends blogs, and has more hits than anyone else i know.

* she chats online, and emails back and forth people that she's met online. several times, she's even arranged meetings and gone out with these mysterious internet people.

* today we went into Trader Joe's grocery store. it's all organic, and super healthy. as we stood in line with avacados and shepards bread in hand, my grandma whispered, "you better go get some cookies quick. quick!" i came back with two types. "we'll just get them both," she said.

* i made a cake. together, we ate it.

* she enjoys watching arrested development, and we're making our way through the first season.

i fit right in here. we are the same.


Lisa said...

Cute post.
I love grandma!

Polly said...

Now I'm getting worried! I'm also wondering if when I was a teenager I was like Mary, someone needs to be the adult. I'm glad you are having fun and getting to know your grandma.

MARCIE said...

Actually, I think you are way better than me, and I am so proud of you. Also, I know the OC theme because that is all that was on TV for 2 weeks while Lauren was here!

Katie said...

your grandma is a hottie
inappropriate? sorry.