Thursday, May 14, 2009

a slew of dresses

I have so many dresses to show you.
I can't keep them all here to myself unless you see how cute they are.
Sorry the pictures are so bad, I was pushing the picture button on photobooth, and running back and forth while on speakerphone with Travis.

Admittedly, these first two dresses are not as neat. I bought them at the Gap (they were SO cheap! I think 15 bucks a piece.)

This grey one is from the Gap, too. I think grandma's going to have to take it in a little. I ended up buying an eight, even though it's way too big. They just didn't have anything else, and how could I say no?
This dress, however, is not from the Gap. It is home made.
My great-great grandma made this dress for my great grandma when she was a teenager.
I'll be honest, I almost died squeezing into that stinking dress. It is SO skinny. It does make me much better behaved, though. Good posture, no reaching, crouching, or running or the dress rips.

This was also my great grandmother's dress, though from a little later in life. It definately fit me better.
I felt like Jackie O. wearing it, and it fits perfectly. The only thing is that it is made of wool, and it's so blasted hot! I guess it's a winter dress.

Look at the detail around the neck line! I love it!! It was homemade, too.
The blue and green dresses were similar to the white except that they weren't as fitted, and they had gathered waists, but they were also home made wool dresses belonging to the great grandma.

Aren't they sweet!

Just a few weeks ago a friend said to me that she found some of her grandma's old dresses and was wearing them.
I complained, saying "My grandma has nothing of the sort lying around her house!"
Oh, how wrong I was.

The dresses all belonged to Babalou, or Grandma Louise (the woman after which I was named.)
Isn't she beautiful?
This is her at twenty-one, and below is a picture taken just a few months before she died of breast cancer.

Check out my grandpa's (her husband's) very sweet blog here.


Polly said...

I like the old dresses way better then the new ones. What a pretty grandma I have and what a cute mom I have too! I feel like there are generations of talented women in our family and I can't do anything. Waaaa!

Unknown said...

You are so weird, but we need to have another chat sometime later this summer.