Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm remembering water

Virginia is wet, and I love it.

The air is thick and humid.
REALLY thick. REALLY humid.

Hits you in the face like mist when you're walking.

It rains here all the time.
It's sunny and hot and beautiful one minute, and there's a thunderstorm the next minute.

Today when we were watching tv it started to rain.
"What is that noise?" Lauren asked.
"That's rain," I said, muting the tv.
"Rain doesn't sound like that."

Have we really been in Utah so long that the sound of rain is foreign?
We opened the garage door and stood to watch the rain, and I heard words I haven't heard in ages: "tornado warning."
Huzzah! It's been too long. I've missed you, extreme weather.

Travis said, "How do you like the ocean?"
"I love the ocean," I said.
"Cultivate that love," said Travis, and then I mocked him. Cultivate that love. Really.
Everyone loves the ocean, and if they don't then they are crazy. The ocean is just like a big, salty lake, and we all know I'd rather be in a lake than on solid ground.
And most people should feel that way, if you're asking me.

All I'm saying is, I miss some of the people in Utah, but I don't know how I'll ever make it back there after I get to remember first-hand what it's like to NOT be in a desert.


Nana B said...

yes the ocean is wonderful, so is the rain, if it doesn't happen 5 days in a row. No sunshine is a really be pit. Hey how's the job hunt going, you seem to spend time at the beach and watching the rain, is there time in there to look for work. Isn't that why you went to Virginia Beach? I know, nag nag nag, but you will go back to Utah, you must finish school and that costs money. So find a job and have fun in between. Love You. Say Hi to Grandma Marcie

travis pitcher said...

Still, cultivate that love. And also respect that. In August there will be storms rising from the Caribbean that will start hurricanes. You will probably be gone by then but waves and currents will pick up in your little "lake" that are much stronger than anything that is on a lake, even the great lakes in the north. So love and respect. I am a dork

Unknown said...

I don't love the ocean.

Lisa said...

I LOVE the ocean, rain, sand, beaches, sunshine, and haha typhoons.........if I were in the house.

But I would like to swim in lakes. And I'd like to eat something with you after swimming.

Arrrggh. VA sounds so nice.

B, I am writing my Slumdog paper, analyzing the theme of : Love conquers all, and the idea of people could live happily after in Slums that the director want us to believe. maybe?


Lisa said...

oh tell me a time.
I would like to skype with you this thursday or friday or even before the 12th. (friday to monday, perhaps?)

I will be done with my junior year whether I want or not Friday 9pm, because that's when papers are due.

Skype skype skype!

Polly said...

It sounds like Travis would like you to have a healthy fear of the ocean so that you will return to Utah. Isn't Lauren from AZ? Not a lot of rain falls there except during monsoon season. I wish I was there enjoying the water too!

Chris said...

I agree with Travis. He is a dork