Thursday, May 14, 2009

goals for virginia

So I am in Virginia with a grandpa who works during the day, and a grandma who quilts.
So to keep myself entertained I have made the following goals:

1. to cultivate my talents

Yesterday I was trying on dresses that my great-great-grandma made (they're beautiful! pictures to follow soon), and I decided to cultivate the sewing talent that I must have somewhere.
I'm going to make a dress. From a pattern.
It will be awesome.
I'm living with a woman who sews for a living, how hard can it be? (p.s. check out my grandma's blog. I checked her sitemeter today, and as of right now, she's had 103,933 visitors. Good grief, her blog is popular.)

I am also going to paint more. I spent yesterday painting, and as many of you know, I am not a terrific painter, but I do love it.
I bought myself a set of paints for my birthday, and now I will paint my supply dry.

I am going to try and write every day. Not on my blog, though. In my journal, and my book, and also, even though it's been a while, poems.
Also, I'm going to try and write letters, so send me your address if you want a letter.

Last night we ordered in Thai food, and I made a decision. No more ordering in what I could (maybe) learn to cook.
So I'm going to try and learn to cook things besides stir-fry, and bake things besides cookies.

If I had a guitar with me I would cultivate that talent. As it is, I think I'm going to see if I can find one I can rent or something.
Who knows?
and maybe surfing? I am living on the ocean...

2. to be more healthy.

I recently realized that I eat an inordinate amount of food. Who knew?
Well, apparently all of you did, since you have been telling me for years that I eat a ton. I always thought that was more like "Oh, you eat a lot for someone so small."
Nope, I guess it means I eat a lot for anyone.
Well, I'm going to try and cut down.

I am also going to exercise regularly.
Don't freak out. Not real exercising. But I plan on going swimming or on a bike ride every day (which I have been doing since I got here) and doing 7 minute abs every morning and night, which I have done since Lauren left.

I'm going to try and read more. (yes, I consider this to be related to my health). Especially since I'm going to try and reread the entire Book of Mormon in 90 days.
Check it out here.

So that's all for now.
You might not see me as often, since I think that being sluggish and on my computer is probably against all of the above goals.

Also, it's 11 here, and I've been up for three hours. I've worked out, eaten, showered, and done a bunch of things for my grandma. Now I'm going to work.



travis pitcher said...

those are wonderful goals. you are so great. i just hope that i can keep up.

Polly said...

OK, I think it is funny that get a job isn't one of your goals, what is up with that? Your other goals are great, but when you ended with now I'm going to go to work, you ment go paint right? I wish you wanted money as bad as you need it.

Chris said...

I like your goals for. If you can do all that and put in enough time to write articles, then that is pretty impressive.

Lana said...

Inspiring, but yeah, what happened to working? Haha. I need to start doing 7 min abs. I'm losing weight but not gaining muscle tone.